Saturday, October 29, 2005

NHibernate PropertyAccesException

Like many things in NHibernate, causes of the PropertyAccessException aren’t particularly well documented.  (Well, they may be documented somewhere, but dang if I can find much on it.)  My NUnit tests were throwing this error during relationship tests with the “amplifying” message that the properties I was using for ID values weren’t the correct type. 

Huh?  Single entity stores were working just ducky, but trying to work with many-to-many relationships was failing.  The many-to-many definitions in the hbm.xml map files were all fine — trust me, I double-checked them about eight million times last night between 11pm and 1am when I finally quit last night.

This morning I finally found a Google hit that pointed me in the right direction: incorrect storage of the referenced entity, causing a null value in a member of type “Int32”.  You have to be sure you correctly set your collection properties in both sides of a relationship you’re trying to store via NHibernate.  It turns out I was incorrectly setting a collection on one side of my relationship.

Here’s the working (but not optimized) code:


public void CheckAddPersonWithOneType()


PersonEntity personToDB = tep.MakeDefaultPersonEntity();

//Add the Person to the PersonType object's collection


//Add the PersonType to the Person object's collection


IDal<PersonEntity> pda = new PersonDA();

int storedID = (int)pda.AddEntity(personToDB);

PersonEntity fromDB = pda.GetEntity(storedID);

IList retTypes = new ArrayList(fromDB.PersonTypes);

foreach (PersonTypeEntity type in personToDB.PersonTypes)




//clean up list



 The all important lines are here:

//Add the Person to the PersonType object's collection


//Add the PersonType to the Person object's collection


speakerType is one end of the relationship, persontoDB is the other.  Persons and PersonTypes are the collections holding the other end of the relationship.

Remeber that this is a many-to-many relationship?  Remember that m-m relationships need a link table between the two entities?  What’s cool about NHibernate is that I don’t have to fool at all with storing stuff in that link table.  NHibernate handles all that for me when I store the entities with one statement:

int storedID = (int)pda.AddEntity(personToDB);

Way cool.

NHibernate’s learning curve (and #%*@!! documentation) is tough going, but I think I’m going to like things once I get up to the next plateau.  I’m also weary of trying to wade through examples which aren’t much help.  Hopefully I’ll be able to put up some clear examples once I get things working well and refactored for clarity.

Now Playing: Guster — Lost and Gone Forever.  I’ve been playing a lot of Guster and Coldplay lately.  Well, a lot of other stuff, too, plus Springsteen’s The Rising seems to be stuck in my audio stream for some reason.  In any case, I really dig the cool harmonies and melodies.  Plus the lyrics are pretty thoughtful.  (Unlike The Mavericks, who I love but seem to be of the Gene Autry school of  All My Songs Have Five Words.)

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