Friday, February 08, 2008

NUnit Snippets for Visual Studio

In James's and my book Windows Developer Power Tools we included a great snippet collection for NUnit tests written by Scott Bellware.  Scott compiled a bunch of very useful snippets for everything from adding NUnit attributes to existing classes to creating individual tests.  He also paid attention to small details like cursor placement after the snippet expansion.  Very cool.   Scott had wrapped all those snippets in a Visual Studio Installer package and posted this to his blog on some time ago.  I think this was one of the more useful contributions he'd made to the community.

For whatever reason Scott decided to delete his entire blog from CodeBetter.  Not just stop blogging or deactivate it, but completely delete it.  Ergo, no more snippets.

Until now, that is, because I uploaded the package complete with a snap of his great documentation to my website.  Go grab the zip if you're interested in some great snippets to speed your NUnit development.

Scott didn't include any copyright or licensing with his original package, so I'm uploading this on the assumption that it's public domain because he'd originally shared it on his blog.  If you use or reference these files, please make sure to give full attribution to Scott.

1 comment:

foo said...

Thanks, Jim. I was looking for these recently.


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