Saturday, June 15, 2013

New Book Published!

Some of you may be aware I co-authored a book Windows Developer Power Tools some years ago. That book was a huge labor of love, and due to its nature, outdated the instant it was published. It took a lot out of me, and I swore I’d never write another book.

Like I’m good at promises…

It’s taken me some years, but I finally got around to authoring and publishing a new book. I’ve kept quiet about this because it’s something that’s pretty core to my fundamental beliefs and I wanted to get it done and published with some quiet space. I bit off a project about something that I’m passionate about, and that starts off quite a bit of argument and debate in the industry.

Without further ado, I’d like to announce publication of Best Practices in Software Engineering and Testing, published live on LeanPub.

Thanks for reading, thanks for caring about improving our industry through proper use of Best Practices.

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