Monday, June 24, 2013

My “It’s Not About You” Talk from KalX 2013 is live!

Mike Eaton invited me back to his KalamazooX Conference this last year. He was kind enough to put me in the opening spot—pretty tough considering the amazing set of folks that followed me.

My talk, It’s Not About You, got recorded and is posted up on Vimeo. (You can find the deck at my SpeakerDeck page.)

Jim Holmes - It's not about you from The Kalamazoo X Conference on Vimeo.

This talk’s about stuff that’s really important to me. I’m never happy with any of my talks, but that’s likely my own Impostor Syndrome taking over.

(PS: If you want to watch it in HD, you’ll have to watch it directly off the Vimeo page.)

I hope you like the talk, and I hope you get something out of it.

1 comment:

  1. Great talk Jim. I'm going to have to get up to Kalamazoo X one of these days.
