I use batch files to automate much of my build process steps. I’ll grab the latest from our source repository with one batch file, build trunk with another, and finally set up my baseline data with a third. This lets me tie these command files to SlickRun hotkeys so I can launch everything with a keystroke or two.
If you use TortoiseSVN it may not be apparent, but you can use it via the command line by invoking the TortoiseProc.exe file and passing in a couple command args. For example, to do an SVN update and get latest you’d call:
"d:\Program Files\TortoiseSVN\bin\TortoiseProc.exe" /command:"update" /path:”<working_copy>”
Note that you must have the quotes around the specific command you want to run, and you’ll also need quotes around the path you’re wanting to update. You can also update the current directory you’re in by using /path:. – note that’s the period denoting the current working directory.
You can read more about the available commands in TortoseSVN’s documentation.