Monday, October 22, 2007

Ann Arbor Day of .NET Recap

As usual, the folks running the Ann Arbor Day of .NET did a fantastic job putting on their conference. 

I sat in on pieces of a number of good presentations: Jesse Murray’s intro to .NET 3.0, James Bender’s WCF Messaging, Josh Holmes’s bit on the Dynamic Runtime, Joe Wirtley’s Pragmatic Architecture, and several others.  All the content was great, and the audiences all seemed pretty engaged.

I did a talk on Story-Driven Development using Fitnesse.  It was my first time giving that particular talk in a full-length session — I’ve done a couple groks on it in different venues, but never a 75 minute spiel.  The talk went fairly well, but there are several areas I’ll be smoothing up for future talks.

To Jason, John, Chris, and all the other folks who worked their butts off: Y’all did a great job.  I’ve run these events before, and I know how much effort goes in to putting them on.  It was an absolute pleasure to show up and not worry about anything other than snarfing food, complaining about past crashes during presentations, and then just wandering in to my room to give my presentation.

Great job, all!

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