Wednesday, July 12, 2017

The Leadership Journey is Complete and Live

After 2.5 years of hard work, blood, sweat, and a lot of procrastination I’m happy to announce my book The Leadership Journey is complete and read for purchase!
If you’re unfamiliar with the book, it’s a concise 107 pages of content meant you help to learn how to become a great leader. No, I’m not giving you 15 Quick Tips! or guaranteeing you’ll become wonderful in 24 hours. It’s not a self-help book.

Instead, it’s practical stories, tips, and exercises meant to get you looking in a mirror and figuring out where you want to go—and then proving some ideas on how you can head off that direction.

This stuff is from my heart. It started based off my Leadership 101 series, but then grew out in its own direction.

I owe lots of folks thanks, particularly readers who purchased the book two years ago expecting a quick finish. HAH! I hope they’re pleased with the final outcome.

I also owe a big thanks to Robert “Uncle Bob” Martin who wrote an awesome Foreword for me. He picked up on key things about the book: My hard work to keep it from being yet another touchy-feely barftastic self-help book. My hard work to make the exercises useful. My hard work to convey content that’s straight from my experiences, and more importantly from my heart.

The book is on sale at LeanPub, which is great for you. Don’t like the book? You can get ALL YOUR MONEY BACK up to 45 days after purchase.

I’m pretty sure you’ll find it useful, though!

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