Want to start off 2016 with a job that’s challenging, interesting, and fun? Come join me at Pillar Technology!
We’ve got a significant number of job openings across a lot of disciplines. We’re looking for people to fill roles as Delivery Leads, DevOps, Experience Architects (and here at Pillar that is a real role, not some vaporware handwavy marketing thing!), and of course Software Craftsmen!
I joined Pillar last March and it’s been a tremendous time since then. I’ve know the folks at Pillar for years, and I love how they’ve grown in to a focused, passionate, awesome organization. If you looked at Pillar some time ago, I’d encourage you to give us another consideration. This is the best environment I’ve had in my career, and I love the clients I’m working with.
Interested? Drop me a note either at my work address or personal and I’d be happy to chat with you via mail, Skype, phone, or face-to-face. Sorry, no Morse code. I forgot everything after having earned the Signaling merit badge 40 years ago…