Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Upcoming Speaking Gigs

I’ve got a couple short-notice talks I’ll be delivering this week.

Thursday, 24 May, I’ll be presenting my Open Source Test Tools talk at the Central Ohio .NET Developers Group starting at 6pm.

Friday, 25 May I’ll be talking on Visual Studio Orcas and LINQ at the Columbus DevCares event.  This one will be fun: I’m just jumping into both Orcas and LINQ right now and am loving what I’m seeing so far.  (Thanks to great folks like Bill Wagner and Dustin Campbell who’ve been putting up terrific articles on LINQ!)


  1. >> Central Ohio .NET Devs Group

    See you there!

  2. Jim,
    I was able to a link confirming what I said during your presentation tonight - you can mock real classes (not just interfaces) using Rhino.Mocks. Read more here: Mocking Classes.

    Oh, and great presentation tonight!
