Sunday, May 27, 2007

Serious Geeksville Keyboard

Carl Franklin and Jean-Paul Boodhoo are both talking about the very cool-looking Data Hand keyboard system.

This keyboard seems to be a huge jump forward in the ability to drive your computer aound while being able to minimize the risk of repetative stress injury.  I like the lap adapter for it — I’m having problems at work where I’m using an ergonomic keyboard that’s resting too high on a table top.

I’d love to jump in and give one a try; however, the tarrif’s pretty steep: $675.

As a psuedo-side note, a good keyboard is only part of an ergonomically sound workplace.  You need a good chair (I dropped the big $$ for Aeron chairs), good monitors (note the plural), and a keyboard tray which lets you get your keyboard at the perfect height.  I’ve got one from Humanscale at home and it’s a joy: rock solid and extremely adjustable.

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