Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Great New VSTS Book

I just got a copy of Visual Studio Team System: Better Sofware Development for Agile Teams in the mail and I have to say it’s got me almost as excited as when my copies of Hellboy showed up. 

A quick browse through the table of contents, foreword, and initial chapters gives me the impression that this book’s done right.  The topics in the TOC hit all the usual suspects (pairing, embrace change, automatic builds and continuous integration), plus a wide range of important issues off the regular “Here’s how you do XP” beaten path: setting up spike folders in your project, working well with source control, and a passle of other goodies.

I’m also VERY happy to see FIT covered in a book (other than Cunningham’s book on FIT, that is.)

I’ll report in more detail on this very soon, but right now it’s looking like a great book.

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