Monday, April 30, 2007

Looking for Work? Consider Coming Onboard with Quick!

Quick Solutions, the company I work for, is looking for sharp, passionate folks in a number of areas.  We’ve got openings for .NET, Java, and BizTalk developers, and we’re also looking for good project managers, business analysts, and quality assurance/tester folks.

Quick has two sides of the company: a terrific staffing side and the solutions group which I’m part of. 

Quick’s staffing model is a lot different than other staffing companies I’ve been around: Quick is dead serious about their folks keeping their skills honed, and they back that up with dedicated mentors and ongoing training.  Quick is very serious about keeping folks productively employed and off the bench, and they’ve got a great process to ensure that’s the norm.

The solutions group does amazing work in a number of cool areas and is involved with technologies including SharePoint 2007, Windows Communication Foundation, SliverLight, ASP.NET, and a passle of other cutting-edge cool things.  Yes, we still do our share of older legacy development, but we’re serious about putting new things to use where they make business sense.

Quick’s full of amazingly smart folks (James, Arnulfo, Monish, Alexi, of course Brian, and a passle of others too)  who are great at what they do, and Quick is an amazing supporter of the development community in the region.  They’re deeply connected with the .NET crowd and have done amazing things in the Java and Ruby communities as well.

I jumped at the opportunity to move to Quick when the chance came up earlier this month.  I’ve been fortunate to have a lot of doors open to me over the last year or so, but Quick was the one I’ve long wanted to go through.  Everything I’ve seen in the last three weeks has backed that up: carefully chosen folks who are great at teamwork and who are very passionate about what they do.

It’s a great place to work!  Drop me a line via the link on my sidebar if you’re interested.  We’d love to talk with you!


  1. Thanks for the smart label. ;) I think what makes QSI different is that we all share a passion for technology. The selection process is tough, but the rewards are great.! Brian outline the process on his blog: qualities-of-good-dev-team-member
    Of course, co-authoring a book on .NET and having an MVP award, *might* excluded you from the *process*... :P

  2. All this QuickSolutions talk is so tempting... Though I have it too good where I'm at right now. :) I like my autonomy.
