I didn’t realize how busy I am this next month or so with presentations! Here’s a list of the events I’ll be at through March.
- 2/8, "Educating Your Team on Security", 5th Annual Cybercrime Summit, University of Cincinnati (Raymond Walters College), http://cincypg.org/events.php
- 2/27, "Security Fundamentals for Software Developers", Cincinnati Programmer's Guild, http://cincypg.org/events.php
- 2/28, "Microsoft Office SharePoint Server and .NET 3.0 Launch", Dayton .NET Developers Group, http://daytondevgroup.net
- 3/24, Topics TBD, Dayton-Cincinnati Code Camp, http://cinnug.org/codecamp/default.aspx
(At least I hope I’ll be talking at the Dayton-Cincinnati Code Camp. James and Mike are the other two folks on the content selection committee, so my sessions may get voted off the island.)
You should try to win more immunity challenges!