Thursday, April 06, 2006

More Big News (MVP!!)

I hate self-promotion, but for this one I’ll make an exception. 

I got home from a short vacation to find this bit of great news sitting on the doorstep.  I’ve worked my butt off this last year organizing the Dayton .NET Developers Group and the Dayton-Cincinnati Code Camp.  It’s very nice to get recognized by Microsoft for all that effort!

But, at the end of the day, this award would not have been possible were it not for a whole lot of great help from folks in the region such as Drew, James, Dave, and others who I’m forgetting to mention. 

This award also would not have been possible without the ongoing excitement and passion of all the regular members of the Dayton DevGroup.  Y’all were the reason I started the group, and it’s your enthusiasm that keeps me working on the group.  (That and the drive to the Columbus meetings from Dayton in the middle of rush hour sucks.)


  1. Congratulations, Jim! Much deserved.

  2. Thanks very much, guys! I'm rather stunned to be in the same company as folks like Juval Löwy, Josh Holmes, Jeff Prosise, and Bill Wagner.


  3. That's awesome Jim. Congratulations.

  4. I just got mine this week too!

  5. Congratulations Jim and welcome to the MVP community!!! Glad you got this, well deserved.

  6. Congrats!!!
