Saturday, June 11, 2005

Dayton .NET Developers Group News

Today I had the neat experience of appearing on IT Matters, Dayton's local talk show on 1410, WING AM. Dave Donaldson of the Columbus .NET Developers Group joined me to help publicize the great .NET developer communities we have in Columbus, Cincinnati, and Dayton. (OK, it was mostly to help me publicize Dayton's group.) Brad Proctor and Bob Kwater took great care of us and provided a terrific venue for pushing the value of joining a .NET developers group. The downside is that the IT Matters show is on Saturdays during baseball season -- normally it's on during prime weekday evening commute time. Still, I'm hoping we'll get a fair amount of interest generated from this show. I'll be continuing to appear on a monthly basis to talk about each month's upcoming topics. Me big radio star. Ugh. UPDATE: Fixed spelling of Bob's name. Also, Michele asked for info about the group -- here's the Dayton .NET Developer Group's site. Should have put that up from the first. Duh!


  1. Hmmm, tell me more about the Dayton group!! (I'm from the area)

  2. I updated the blog post with the group's website. Check there for information about the Dayton .NET Developers Group! (
